A sleeping bag liner is not a necessity - but it can be a helpful item, especially if you plan to do lots of camping.
Some people love these items, and some can't stand them. Read on to find out why!
In a nutshell, it's a fitted sheet that goes inside your sleeping bag.
There are a number of reasons to consider buying a liner:
It's hard to choose just one sleeping bag to meet every need. Let's say that you choose a lightweight summer bag. It might not be warm enough in the spring or fall - or on a summer's night in the alpine.
Or maybe you have a three season bag. On a hot summer night, it could be too hot! You'll throw it off - but then wake up in the night, shivering.
Here are two ways to use sleeping bag liners to extend the season for your sleeping bag.
It's nice to have clean bedding on a regular basis! Using a cotton or silk liner lets you have clean linen whenever you want it. Washing a sleeping bag liner is as easy as washing a sheet.
No matter what type of sleeping bag you have, it's a good idea to wash it as little as possible. Washing a sleeping bag too often causes it to wear out quickly. Click here for hints about when and how to wash a sleeping bag.
Some people never wash their sleeping bags - ever - but that's not a good solution. The oils from your body will build up on the bag and cause it to deteriorate.
You can wash the liner whenever necessary, without wearing your bag out prematurely.
Do you dislike the slippery feel of a synthetic sleeping bag? A cotton or silk liner may be just what you need.
You can choose among fleece, cotton, silk and microfiber liners. Each has advantages and disadvantages.
There is one drawback to sleeping bag liners - and for some people, it outweighs all of the advantages.
Liners tend to get tangled around your body, especially if you are a restless sleeper.
I used a cotton liner for a couple of years, and then decided that the benefits weren't worth my discomfort and annoyance.
These days, I wear a clean set of long underwear when I sleep in my sleeping bag. This keeps me warm and cozy. It also keeps the bag clean and means that I don't have to wash it often.
You don't have to have a sleeping bag liner - but it might solve all sorts of your sleeping bag problems!
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