Camping in the United States is a great way to spend your vacation! No matter what type of camping you enjoy, you'll find unlimited opportunities in every American state.
National Parks are established by an act of the United States Congress, and administered by the National Park Service.
Many National Parks are located in areas of special geographic or historical significance. In fact, at least 11 of them have been designated as World Heritage Sites.
Learn more about US National Parks here.
There are state parks in every American state. Each state has its own policies about managing and running the parks. In some states, park management is contracted out to private companies, while in other places the parks are run directly by the state.
Nevertheless, you can count on state parks to have some things in common no matter where you go.
To read more about State Park camping, visit this page.
The Bureau of Land Management administers public lands in the United States.
The mission of the BLM is twofold:
The BLM manages more than 400 campgrounds. Most are in the western United States.
They include the long-term visitor areas (LTVAs) in California and Arizona, where snowbirds from the north park their RVs for months at at time. (A paid permit is required.)
Most BLM sites have primitive facilities - if they have facilities at all. Bring your own water, and expect to be self-sufficient. Most sites are first-come first-served.
Here's the best part: you can stay at many BLM campsites for free!
For BLM camping information, visit this site.
This is a popular option for camping in the United States. A private campground can be anything from a corner of a farmer's field to a member of a well-organized chain of parks like the KOA.
Since private campgrounds are owned and run by their owners, you'll find just about anything!
Many private campgrounds have more amenities than you'll find at
publicly owned parks. If you want hot showers, a swimming pool and a
mini-golf course, look for a private campground.
The quality of private campgrounds varies widely. You might find a big, private site in a campground with immaculate facilities - or you might have a crowded spot in a park that needs some maintenance.
It's a good idea to check reviews before planning a stay at a private campground - especially if you are going to stay for a while.
This site has reviews of hundreds of private campgrounds in every US state.
This section includes only the states where I have camped myself - or where my readers have camped. The more camping I do, and the more stories you share, the more complete this section will get - so check back regularly!
Redwood forests, beach camping, deserts and mountains: California has it all! Read about some great California camping sites here.
Flextailgear tiny air pump achieves rapid inflation or deflation. Perfect to inflate your air mattress and any other camping equipment! Read more here and find the best price on Amazon!!
Core 9 Person Instant Cabin Tent - 14' x 9'
For the best price and more info go to this page!
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