When I first heard about teardrop trailers a few years ago, I thought that they were a recent invention. It turns out that they have been around for at least 70 years!
These ultra lightweight travel trailers were popular in the 1930s and 1940s when hobbyists built their own little trailers in their garages.
With the trend to larger and larger vehicles and RVs, these units declined in popularity and all but disappeared. In recent years, though, they have been making a comeback.
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While hobbyists are once again building their own small travel trailers in their garages, a number of manufacturers are also making teardrops.
Because they use so little fuel, these are the ideal option for a cross-country road trip!
Now that tiny trailers are in fashion again, there are several manufacturers making ultra-small models. Most of these are ideal for one or two people.
Now that they are trendy, I see these units everywhere. I love their compact design. They remind me of little doll houses!
I like to fantasize about taking a cross country trip in one of these someday with my husband. Since he is 6 foot 3 inches tall, though, he is not enthusiastic about the idea. I guess I'll just have to continue dreaming!
Instead, I like to look at teardrop trailers at car shows or at RV dealers - or read about them.
If you are thinking of building your own teardrop trailer here's a great book you can buy on Amazon.
Teardrop trailers might be suitable for small families who don't mind sharing close quarters.
While some models are designed to fit two adults and one very small child, keep in mind that children don't stay small for long!
If teardrop trailers are smaller than what you need, check out these other RV models.
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Mar 28, 25 05:02 AM
Mar 28, 25 04:38 AM
Mar 28, 25 04:27 AM