Preschool Songs

Three Favorites

Don't forget to sing preschool songs when you are singing around the campfire!


The youngest children love to sing songs that aren't too difficult for them.

You probably know these songs from your own childhood. If not, there's sure to be someone around the campfire who knows the tune.

Mama's Taking Us To The Zoo

This song by Tom Paxton is a great family campfire song, because it encourages everyone to contribute original ideas.

It's sometimes called "Going to the Zoo".

The words

Mama's taking us to the zoo tomorrow
Zoo tomorrow
Zoo tomorrow
Mama's taking us to the zoo tomorrow
We can stay all day


We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo
How about you, you, you?
You can come too, too, too
We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo.

See the elephant with the long trunk swingin'
Great big ears and long trunk swingin'
Sniffin' up peanuts with the long trunk swingin'
We can stay all day.


See all the monkeys scritch scritch scratchin'
Jumpin' all around and scritch scritch scratchin'
Hangin' by their long tails scritch scritch scratchin'
We can stay all day.


Big black bear all huff huff a-puffin'
Coat's too heavy, he's huff huff a-puffin
Don't get too near the huff huff a-puffin'
Or you won't stay all day.


Seals in the pool all honk honk honkin'
Catchin' fish and honk honk honkin'
Little tiny seals all honk honk honkin'
We can stay all day.


We stayed all day and I'm gettin' sleepy
Sittin' in the car gettin' sleep sleep sleepy
Home already and I'm sleep sleep sleepy
We have stayed all day.

We've been to the zoo, zoo, zoo
So have you, you, you
You came too, too, too
We've been to the zoo, zoo, zoo.

But - Daddy's taking us to the zoo tomorrow
Zoo tomorrow
Zoo tomorrow
Daddy's taking us to the zoo tomorrow
We can stay all day!

Does that seem like too many words to learn?

Don't worry - the fun thing about preschool songs is making up your own words anyway!

Just learn the first verse and the chorus.

Then, ask your child for a name of a zoo animal. What might that animal be doing?

There's your new verse! Maybe it's

  • "Look at all the zebras eating grass..." or
  • "Look at the giraffe with the long long neck..."

As always, there are no wrong answers. Soon everyone will be shouting out ideas. The song might go on for a very long time!

It's fun to personalize preschool songs. You could substitute another name for "Mama". How about "Grandma"?

You could even turn this into a camping song!

How about "Mama's taking us to the campground tomorrow"? You'll have fun singing about all the things to see and do on a family camping trip.

Wheels on the Bus

This action song, with its easy-to-learn words and fun actions, has been one of the most popular preschool songs for years. If your children have been to daycare in North America, they probably know this song.

The words

The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round,
Round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
All around the town.

The driver on the bus says, “Move on back!
Move on back!
Move on back!”
The driver on the bus says, “Move on back!”
All around the town.

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish…

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep…

The people on the bus go up and down…

The babies on the bus go “Wah! Wah! Wah!”…

The parents on the bus go “Shh! Shh! Shh!”…

The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round,
Round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
All around the town.

If You're Happy and You Know It

There's something about this simple, rousing song that gets everyone smiling.

Maybe it's the actions. As with many preschool songs, the actions are self-evident.

Be sure to pump your fist into the air when you shout, "Hooray!"

The words

If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.
If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.
If you’re happy and you know it and you really want to show it,
If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.

If you’re happy and you know it, slap your knees (2x)
If you’re happy and you know it and you really want to show it,
If you’re happy and you know it, slap your knees.

If you’re happy and you know it, stomp your feet (2x)
If you’re happy and you know it and you really want to show it,
If you’re happy and you know it, stomp your feet.

If you’re happy and you know it, shout “Hooray!” (2x)
If you’re happy and you know it and you really want to show it,
If you’re happy and you know it, shout “Hooray!”

Do you need more preschool songs?

I highly recommend this CD collection. All 53 songs have wonderful tunes and fun-to-sing words. I find some children's entertainers quite annoying, but I love Raffi! (And I'm not alone. Look at those reviews!)

Extend the fun!

Give everyone in the group a rhythm instrument, and let them accompany the singing.

This set is a great way to outfit the entire group at a reasonable price.

Now that you know the words to three favorite preschool songs, click here to find more great campfire songs for all ages.

Are you thinking about going camping? Visit The Camping Family home page. I'll help you plan a successful trip.

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