You'll need to know how to cook fish if you take the kids fishing and they catch something!
Or perhaps you brought some fish fillets from home and are wondering what to do with them.
Either way, you need a quick and easy method for cooking your fish. This foolproof recipe is the way to go!
I like to make this meal in a cast iron skillet. Whatever pan you use, be sure that it has a lid.
If you are camping in an RV, I don't suggest using your indoor stove to cook this meal unless you want your camper to smell fishy for the rest of the day - and night!
Instead, use your camping stove or cook over a campfire.
If you are going to cook over a fire, be sure to start the fire long before you want to eat. Give it time to burn down to nice hot coals.
In food box
In cooler
Cooking time will vary widely depending on your fish, your fire and your cookware - so keep a close eye on things!
You'll know the fish is done when it smells good, when it is opaque (solidly colored, no longer transparent) and when it flakes easily when you prod it with a fork.
Serve this with rice and a salad, and enjoy the grins of pride on the faces of the fishermen (and women!)
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Mar 28, 25 05:02 AM
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