Looking for a campfire dessert that's easy and delicious? This Banana Boat recipe is just what you need!
Whether you cook them in the coals of your campfire or over a grill, making Banana Boats will quickly become a favorite camping tradition.
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You'll need the following:
There are a number of ways to do this.
Cooking time will depend on the heat of your coals, and how close you place the package to the coals. Check after 5 minutes, and then at frequent intervals.
Have homemade baby wipes handy for cleanup. Banana Boats are sticky!
If you like Banana Boats, you'll probably love Smores!
Now that you have an easy Banana Boat recipe, check out the rest of my tasty dessert recipes.
There's a lot to think about when you go camping! Visit The Camping Family home page for lots of help.
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Mar 10, 25 01:37 PM
Mar 10, 25 01:29 PM
Mar 10, 25 01:13 PM