Pitching a tent is one of those skills like riding a bike. It looks effortless when you know how, and once you can do it, you can barely remember what it was like when you couldn't.
Like riding a bike, pitching a tent involves learning new skills and practising them until they become second nature.
Read on and learn how to learn this new skill efficiently.
That sounds self-evident, doesn't it? But I'm sure I'm not the only one who has a family member who ignores written instructions and just "flies at it". I'll mention no names.
Someone went to a lot of trouble to write those instructions for you. Why not read them?
Perhaps you have lost the instructions, or perhaps you bought a secondhand tent that came with no instructions.
Don't wait until your camping trip to learn about pitching a tent! Try it
in the privacy of your backyard. If you don't
have a yard, visit the nearest playground or park. Here's what to do:
You don't want to be wondering what a "junction tube" is when both of your hands are holding up a mass of heavy canvas high above your head.
Was that absolutely easy and effortless?
If not, practise again another day. And again, until you can do it quickly and easily.
Well done!
Yours may or may not be similar, but this will give you a general idea of the process.
First, we spread out the tent and straighten the tent poles. Our poles have shock cords, so this part is easy.
We insert one of the tent poles into a corner grommet.
Inserting the remaining poles is easy with two people working together.
The poles are up!
Now all we have to do is attach the poles to the tent with the built-in clips.
Next we put on the fly.
You'll notice that we pegged the fly out with tent pegs.
Don't skip this step! Be sure to peg the fly out firmly. Notice the raindrops on the fly? This picture was taken after a huge downpour. We stayed dry and cozy!
Pitching a tent is fun once you know how!
Now that you know all about pitching a tent, visit this page to learn more about tents for camping.
Click here to go to the Complete Family Camping Guide home page.
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