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Crustless Dutch Oven Pizza

If you are looking for a Dutch oven pizza with a real crust, this is not the recipe for you.

Dutch oven rice pizza

But if you are looking for an easy-to-make camping meal that tastes just like pizza, keep reading!

This dish is hearty and delicious. Once my children got over the fact that it didn’t look like pizza, they loved it.

How to make Dutch Oven Pizza

Prepare the coals

If you are using charcoal, put 21 pieces in your fire pit and get them burning.

If you are using firewood, make a hot fire, and wait until it has burned down to hot coals.

hot campfire coals

When the coals are hot, place the Dutch oven on top of them.

Gather your ingredients

You'll need

  • 1 pound/500 g ground beef
  • 2 cups/500 mL pizza sauce or spaghetti sauce
  • 3/4 cup/180 mL water
  • 1 cup/250 mL instant rice
  • your favorite pizza seasonings (I used oregano, basil and thyme.)
  • your favorite pizza toppings (I used mushrooms, peppers, onion and pineapple.)
  • 1 cup/250 mL mozzarella cheese

ingredients for rice pizza

Cook the meat

Put the ground beef in the Dutch oven and brown it until no pink remains. Drain any fat.


I browned the ground beef at home, then cooled it and put it in a ziploc bag. I froze it and placed the frozen bag in the cooler. It had thawed by the time I wanted to make Dutch oven pizza.

Add the liquids

Pour the pizza sauce and the water in with the meat.

ground beef and tomato sauce in Dutch oven

Bring to a boil.

Add the rice

Stir it in evenly.

adding rice to Dutch oven

Add your choice of pizza "toppings"

They won't stay on the top, though!

pizza toppings in bowl

Stir to mix everything together.

Dutch oven rice pizza ready to cook

Cook for about 10 minutes

While you wait, grate the cheese.

grated mozzarella cheese in bowl

Take off the lid and check your pizza

Is the rice tender?

If not, make sure that there is still some liquid in the oven. Add a bit more water if needed. Cook for a few more minutes.

When the rice is tender, remove the Dutch oven from the fire.

cooked rice and meat and toppings

Add the cheese

Sprinkle on the grated mozzarella.

rice pizza with mozzarella cheese

Replace the lid, and put a few hot coals on the lid.

Set aside for a few minutes, until the cheese melts.

Dutch oven with coals on lid


Dutch oven rice pizza in bowl


Be careful!

That Dutch oven gets very hot!

Be sure to use oven mitts or a campfire glove when touching a hot Dutch oven.

Use extra care when lifting the lid.

I just used a stick wedged under the handle - and I gripped the stick with my oven mitts.

A safer and more efficient solution would be to use a Dutch oven lid lifter.

Clean your Dutch oven promptly.

The sooner you clean it, the easier it will be. Click here for tips on cleaning a Dutch oven.

Get a good camping cookbook.

This recipe comes from LipSmackin' Car Camping. You can buy it here.


Now that you know how to make Dutch oven pizza, check out some more of my Dutch oven campfire recipes.

For more great camping food ideas, visit this page.

Before you head out on your next camping adventure, please visit The Camping Family home page. You'll find lots of helpful information!

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