With some basic Dutch oven care, your cast iron camping Dutch oven can last for generations! Here's what you need to know.
I use a cast iron Dutch oven for camping. I highly recommend cast iron for its durability and non-stick coating.
All of the information on this page refers to cast iron Dutch oven care.
Congratulations! You have a new cast iron Dutch oven!
It probably has a protective coating that kept it from getting rusty on its journey to your home. Before you can use the oven, you'll need to remove the coating.
Follow the manufacturer's directions - or just give it a good scrub with dishwashing detergent and a plastic scrubbie.
The first step in Dutch oven care is seasoning. You'll need to do this before you use it.
This will turn your Dutch oven into a fabulous non-stick pot which will be a breeze to use and to clean.
This aspect of Dutch oven care takes some time and effort, but it's worth it! If all goes well, you will have to do this only once.
Season your Dutch oven at home. Don't wait until you get to the campground!
Your Dutch oven is seasoned and ready to use!
The great thing is that each time you use the Dutch oven, you'll be re-seasoning it as you cook! The more you use it, the better seasoned it will be!
Click here for tips on using your Dutch oven.
If you have seasoned your oven well, Dutch oven cleaning is easy!
Soap will remove the oil seasoning that you worked so hard to apply - and your next meal might have a soapy taste!
Sometimes regular cleaning won't do the job.
Perhaps the pot wasn't thoroughly seasoned, or perhaps there is burnt food stuck to the bottom.
Here's the trick that I use to remove stubborn deposits:
I would love to try this handy device. It's called "The Ringer", and it's basically a piece of chain mail. You use it like a scrubber, and it takes baked-on food right off. It gets excellent, rave reviews from everyone who has tried it. It even works on glass baking pans and steel pots, without scratching or damaging the surfaces. I want one of these! |
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